12:00 PM Jan 5, 2017
I recented talked to CokePokes about the recent changes within Snapchat with regards to DRM, and concluded that the best solution for allowing compatibility with Phantom is to include my code within the Phantom project. I will remain the maintainer of my code, however I will be collaborating with CokePokes to update StreakNotify/Phantom to combat Snapchat’s DRM. BUT, if you only want to install StreakNotify alone, you can since it by itself does not activate Snapchat’s DRM. To install my tweak through BigBoss on Cydia, use this link. I will still be pushing updates to this tweak for the newest versions and doing the best I can to add more features/fix bugs. If you have any questions, you can email me.
Written on January 5, 2017